Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Gruesome Reality

If we, as humans, truly are as greedy and selfish as Gulliver's Houyhuhnm master has made us out to be how much would the world change if we were to begin to change?  What if we had this same sort of Enlightening moment as Gulliver? Is the comparison of humans to Yahoo's accurate? Has it been used to simply add satire to the book? (obviously).


  1. Not all human beings are uncontrollable. Through experience from elder, more experienced persons, the young of society learn to suppress the id with the superego. If, however, we were to move in a direction of the Houyhnhnms, the world would resemble more of a utopian society. This is not possible, however, because humans naturally prefer id over superego.
    While Gulliver becomes "Enlightened" and expands his outlook from his initial philistine, chauvinistic lookout, the implementation of higher idea would not work well with the human brain.

  2. Every generation of individuals in a nation has a different perception of their culture. This may lead to a corrupted point of view, therefore affecting the whole populace. Gulliver likely represents the older generation of people.
