Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Laputian Abnormalities

Laputian society, in contrast to the Lilliputian and Brobdingnagian that Swift has already encountered, is even stranger than the latter two. This may seem like a rather philistine statement (having yet only read two chapters of the section), but it is worth mentioning first that the name "Laputa" in Spanish ("la puta") means "whore" or "prostitute," an utterly insulting case of dramatic irony for the Laputians.

The customs of Laputian society are laughable and are rather ludicrous. In order to speak, a small vessel (of what is described as a "bladder" by Gulliver) containing pebbles and peas hanging off a stick is tapped on the mouth of the speaker and the ear of the member of the directed audience. These bumbling lumps of bobbleheads lean either left or right. Perhaps that is why they have the attention span of flies and focus only on the pragmatic, which certainly (warning: dripping with sarcasm) explains why despite their mathematical and musical aptitude and habit of complimenting women with geometric shapes, the Laputians cannot even build simple geometric designs, measure correctly, or build houses with right angles.

As this is part of a satirical work, it must be mocking a certain party; I cannot possibly imagine of any dimensions the sort that Swift is trying to parody here.


  1. Linking two of mine together there, and adding. I like it. The Spanish meaning explains my bit on women. But their obsession with geometry and failure to use it appropriately is perplexing.

  2. I would find that Swift was intending to use the Laputian society to represent how all human beings have flaws and don't always use their skills in the best possible way (ex: Laputians with their geometry).

  3. I find it very odd why the Laputans, despite having their society revolve around geometry, despise right angles, which are the basis of most designs.

  4. I find it very odd too that the Laputians despise right angles. Right angles are pretty much seen everywhere nowadays. Right angles form rectangles and squares, which is what the Laputians do not like. I do not see what's wrong with living in a rectangle.
