Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chapter 1, Part 7-8 Summary

Part 7

Gulliver prepares to leave for his trip to Blefuscu, but a court official tells him that he has been charged with treason by enemies in the government. Gulliver is charged with public urination, refusing to obey the emperor's orders to seize the remaining Blefuscu ships, aiding enemy ambassadors, and traveling to Blefuscu. In fear of his execution, he swiftly leaves for Blefuscu.

Part 8

Gulliver finds a boat his size which he asks the emperor of Blefuscu to let him fix up. But the emperor of Lilliput also sends an envoy with the articles about Gulliver's eyesight. The emperor of Blefuscu sends it back saying that Gulliver will shortly leave both kingdoms. After a month, the boat is ready and he sets sail off back to England.

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